Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm an enumerator!

Used to be I couldn't spell it... now I are one! (I credit that line to my mother - just something cute she used to say.) The census taker job has been interesting and fun. The biggest challenge for me is getting into the routine of getting out of the PJs early and budgeting my time. I have met some very lovely people.. and some "not so lovely." But the good has greatly overshadowed the bad. I even got a big hug and a "God bless you" yesterday. Would love to share some photos from my "enumerating" experience, but I am sworn to protect everyone's confidentiality. Instead I am including some recent photos of my happy little fishies and some flowers I planted in a pot by my front door.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how a few little fish and a few little splashes of flowers can brighten your day.
